So, you've tried all the things you read in the Self-Help page and it's still not having any kind of effect. What's next?
First Steps:
Gather together any information that pertains to your particular situation. If you have had a paranormal group do research in your home, include a copy of the evidence. Perhaps take a deliverance worksheet questionnaire. See a medical doctor to ensure that you are not, in fact, experiencing a medical problem. Talk to someone you trust about your problem and definitely speak to a priest or pastor. With their help, you may not even have to proceed with anything else.
A House Blessing:
A house blessing can be done by any priest and basically involves prayer, the reading of scripture, and the use of sacramentals such as Holy Water. It is a practice that need not be affiliated with a demonic "problem." After all, most Catholics have their homes blessed as they move in to a new home simply because it's a good idea to "clear the air," so to speak. An effective house blessing involves the steps outlined in the
"self help" section mentioned above first... to include removing any occult objects or items found in the house and, if possible, confessing one's sins before hand. Fasting before a house blessing is also a preferred practice.
A House Exorcism:
This involves the Bishop automatically, as clergy will only perform a house exorcism when the following two prerequisites have been checked off: First, supernatural activity MUST be DOCUMENTED in the home. Second, the Bishop MUST have been consulted AND approved. This means that if your priest is willing to do a House Exorcism and the two prerequisites have NOT been met, I recommend that you get yourself a new priest. :) Just as in House blessings, free will is the key factor in effectiveness. The grace conferred will not alight on a soul unwilling to repent from occult interests-- so make sure to renounce and remove any objects of occult significance before the House Exorcism, and as before, to confess and fast.
Deliverance Prayers:
Deliverance prayers can be said by any baptized Christian. Some people I respect very much recommend that only experienced clergy pray prayers of deliverance for a person or location, and I would tend to heed their advice unless I was isolated and away from experienced clergy or in a very particular situation. In matters of deliverance, it is ALWAYS a best practice to proceed with extreme caution and to check our pride at every step along the way. A righteous man's prayers may avail much, but a righteous man is one who is humble before God and other men. But what about all these charismatic persons running around casting demons out of people? I believe that those who are sincere will have success, because God's mercy is infinite. Being a Charismatic and former protestant myself, I can attest to the fact that charismatic prayers of deliverance are effective. However, having seen firsthand what praying prayers of deliverance WITHOUT the protection of the spiritual authority of the Church can do to put one in grave danger, I do not recommend, in any way, taking demonic business lightly or casually. However, there is a danger, also, in taking Satan TOO seriously... after all, Christ has defeated him. A healthy balance between the two and adherence to the rules and regulations of your Bishop and of the whole Church with regards to deliverance prayers is the key that will open the door to freedom.
There are various types of exorcisms. For example, an unbaptized person experiencing difficulties can be baptized, as the rite of baptism contains an exorcism. (I have seen much success with the still-valid Tridentine rite of the Pre-Vatican II Church, but either will do just fine so long as they are allowed by the Roman Catholic Church. There is a document of the Church entitled Inde Ab Aliquot Annis which I will post beneath this entry, and which concerns the governing principles dealing with exorcisms. These are the norms, and are crucial to follow. The Rite of Exorcism is a Ritual, done by a priest with the permission of His Bishop, in which the Priest speaks with the authority of the Church and thus of Christ Himself (and not just pleading in supplication for God's Mercy) directly commands a demon or several demons. the Rite of Exorcism requires prayer, fasting, and preparation. It may NEVER be done by a lay person and NEVER be done without the permission of a Bishop. No one should assist at an exorcism unless they are experienced and mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. One should NEVER be present at an exorcism when in a state of grave sin.
Inde Ab Aliquot Annis
On The Current Norms Governing Exorcisms
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
September 29, 1985
Translated by Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist of Diocese of Rome
Prot. no. 291/70; ASS 77 (1985): 1169-70; EnchVat 9, nn. 1663-67
Excellentissime Domine
For some years there has been an increase in the number of ecclesial gatherings which seek liberation from demonic influences, even though they are not properly and truly exorcisms. These groups, even when a priest is present, are led by lay persons.
Since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been asked what ought to be thought about this, this dicastry is of the opinion that all other ordinaries should have the following response:
1. Canon 1172 of the Code of Canon Law declares that no one is able to legitimately undertake exorcisms of the possessed unless expressed and individual permission has been obtained from the ordinary of the place (section 1). The canon also establishes that this permission ought to be conceded by the ordinary of the place only to priests who are distinguished in piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life (section 2). Bishops are, therefore, strongly urged to see to the observance of these norms.
2. From these prescriptions it follows, therefore, that no member of the Christian faithful can use the formula of exorcism against Satan and fallen angels, extracted from that which was made law by Leo XIII, and even less are the able to use the entire text for exorcism. Bishops are to bring this to the attention of the faithful as it is deemed necessary.
3. Finally, for the same reasons, bishops are asked to be vigilant that -- for even cases in which true diabolical possession is excluded, diabolical influence nevertheless seems in some way to be revealed -- those who do not have the required faculty not serve in the leading of meeting where, in order to gain freedom, prayers are used which dignify demons by directly questioning them and in searching to make known their identity.
The announcement of these norm, however, ought not to keep the faithful from praying that, as Jesus taught us, they might be delivered from evil (cf. Mt 6:13). Finally, pastors ought to avail themselves of this occasion to recall what the tradition of the Church teaches about the proper function of sacraments and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints in the spiritual fight of Christians against evil spirits.
May I take this occasion to convey my great feelings of esteem for you, remaining your servant in the Lord, Joseph Card. Ratzinger, Prefect
Translated to Italian by Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist to the Diocese of Rome in his Exorcist Tells His Story, [American Edition], Ignatius Press, San Francisco (1999), (translated into English by Nicoletta V. MacKenzie), pp. 189-90
Comments from Father Amorth Concerning Inde Ab Aliquot Annis
The above-cited letter warns against any direct dealings with demons and states that their name should not be asked by those who have not been granted the specific faculty to do so. The Acts of the Apostles report a particularly fitting event ... (of the consequences of acting without faculty to do so in the story of the Seven Brothers --Acts 19:11-20). (from An Exorcist: More Stories, [American Edition], Ignatius Press, San Francisco: (2002), (translated into English by Nicoletta V. MacKenzie), pp. 189-90 )
I will now explain some of that is forbidden and what is required, according to these guidelines (of Inde Ab Aliquot Annis).
• First, official exorcisms are not allowed; they are reserved exclusively for the exorcist. The same holds true for the exorcism of Leo XIII, even though it is now part of the public domain. The private use of such exorcisms is another matter; at least, this is how I understand the above-cited document.
• We must avoid addressing the demon directly and to find out his name and -- I add -- anything else. All other considerations aside, a direct dialogue with the demon can be dangerous to anyone who dares to initiate it without the due authorization of the Church, and therefor without her protection.
At the end, the document reminds one of the importance of prayer, the sacraments, and the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the angels, and the saints.... (from Exorcist Tells His Story, Ibid, pp.190-91)